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Remove the Aides mosquito then dengue is over

Remove the Aides mosquito then dengue is over

Not literally, but using mosquitoes will reduce the risk of dengue. Just mosquitoes. No, clean transparent water should be around the house. If not frozen, you need to look at it. Then the Aides mosquito will not grow. But. Now another danger has come.There was one kind of dengue virus now. There's one more coming. As a result, the same person gets four - five times May suffer from dengue. Once before, dengue does not disappoint.

Then there is a need for public awareness and a conscious, integrated initiative. We need to change our thinking. As I had previously thought, some cannons will run in the Dengue season. But that strategy is no longer working. To actively campaign against dengue mosquitoes throughout the year. Will be And that's not too difficult. There will be a volunteer group of young people in each area. They will turn to check in their home or apartment to see if there is any freezing water. After the rain, you should see if there is clean water in the pots or on the corner of the tree. Then the water has to be drained. Because, if the Aides mosquitoes do not have enough water, they will not be allowed to grow. Dengue will not spread if you are aware throughout the year.

We all know these words. That's it. Why? Just to remind you. Forget it If you do not do a little or if you do not have to do anything that is at serious risk, now we can see it in the bones. Expert physicians have repeatedly urged us to remind people of this old saying, at a gala-table meeting called 'urgent in urgent circumstances', just days before the Lab-aid Hospital and the first Ala initiative. One of them Great value. Because, when dengue is gone tomorrow, we will forget. Again next year When Day Jake sits, I will die not only in Dengue, but also in terror.Expert doctors have been saying the same thing over and over again.

Saying, no panic. Dengue reggae tragic death is occurring at the corners due to complications. But the general advice of the experts, if you have a fever, you should go to the doctor first. He tests according to the protocol. Say, you need to be admitted to the hospital or from home can be cured. At the Gal table meeting, we learned a number of lessons from specialist physicians. As I had previously thought, the risk of danger is very high if the blood profiterole is below 3,000. But on that day, specialist doctors said that platelets must remain high, but even if they were reduced. Of course, you need to be careful in your treatment. Dengue can not be eaten with antibiotics once it is said. That's right But at the same time, if the cough becomes secondary to cough or other infections and antibiotics become essential, if the doctor thinks he needs antibiotics, there is no harm. The real thing is that antibiotic does not work to suppress the virus in the corners. He does not give doctors antibiotics for dengue virus.

Another mistake was made, when specialist doctors said that the suggestion to drink lots of water in dengue is generally okay. But playing more water indiscriminately causes water in the lungs. There may be another danger. Generally, if thirsty, eat water. Dengue or excess fever requires a little more water. But that doesn't work if it doesn't work. New dengue virus is coming. So once dengue is just that particular strain. Virus - become immune. But if he gets infected again with a new strain of dengue virus, the onslaught of dengue becomes alarming.

So be careful about this at all times. But we want it so that dengue does not catch us. I wrote in the title, Aides. Remove mosquitoes, then dengue is over. Scientists are researching this. In some ways. Got out Male Aides mosquitoes are undergoing genetic alterations in which mosquitoes are fertilized by sperm to carry Aides mosquitoes from the female mosquito eggs. Can't There are millions of three Aides mosquitoes that are experimental in some Latin American countries. Have been without Scientists are waiting. Let's see if the genus Dengue can be eradicated.

But since we are not sitting, let's go down the stairs in groups. At home, I check myself at least two days a week to see if there is a place for Aides mosquito, to have clean water. If so, remove it. That's when the Aides mosquito is over. Dengue is eliminated!

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